G minor 7th (x(10)8(10)80) - Guitar chord chart

Alternate Tuning (D, A, D, G, A, D)

Chart Signature:x(10)8(10)80

Avg Pitch:

Lowest fret played:8
Strings played:5
Is this an inversion:no

Additional ways to play

Below are some additional fingerings for this chord. While the main configuration (shown above) should be the easiest to play, these variations may still be useful to learn!

Depending on the chords played before or after this one, using one of these fingerings may reduce the amount of movement required by your fingers, resulting in a chord progression that is easier to play overall.


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G minor 7th

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Notes:G, Bb, D, F

A#/Bb major 6th

Symbols:A#/BbM6, A#/BbMaj6, A#/Bb6, A#/Bbmaj6, A#/BbMajadd13, A#/BbMadd13, A#/BbMadd6, A#/Bbadd13, A#/Bbadd6, A#/BbMadd13
Notes:Bb, D, F, G

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