Chords that are compatible with this scale.
Chord Type | Chords |
7th suspended 4th | Bb7sus |
added 9th | D#add9 |
altered dominant 7th | G7alt, Bb7alt |
augmented | Gaug, D#aug, Baug |
augmented 7th | D#aug7, Baug7 |
diminished | Fdim, Ddim, Bdim, G#dim |
diminished seventh | Fdim7, Ddim7, Bdim7, G#dim7 |
dominant 6th | Bb7(6) |
dominant 7th | G7, Bb7 |
dominant 7th sharp 9th sharp 13th | G7#9#13 |
dominant seventh (add #9) | G7#9 |
half-diminished 7th | Fm7(b5) |
major | G, D#, Bb |
major 11th | D#M11 |
major 2nd | D#2 |
major 6th | BbM6 |
major 7th | D#M7 |
major 9th | D#M9 |
major added 11th | D#add11, Bbadd11 |
minor | Gm, G#m |
minor 2nd | G#m2 |
minor 6th | G#m6 |
minor 7th | Gm7 |
minor added 9th | G#madd9 |
minor-major 7th | G#mM7 |
powerchord | G5, D#5, Bb5, G#5 |
suspended 2nd | D#sus2, G#sus2 |
suspended 4th | D#sus, Bbsus |