D Harmonic Minor

Also known as the Aeolian #7 scale

Notes:D, E, F, G, A, Bb, C#


Chords that are compatible with this scale.

Chord TypeChords
7th suspended 4thA7sus
altered dominant 7thA7alt
augmentedC#aug, Aaug, Faug
augmented 7thFaug7
diminishedC#dim, Bbdim, Gdim, Edim
diminished seventhC#dim7, Bbdim7, Gdim7, Edim7
dominant 7thA7
half-diminished 7thGm7(b5), Em7(b5)
majorBb, A
major 6thBbM6
major 7thBbM7
major 7th sharp 9thBbM7#9
major added 11thAadd11
minorBbm, Gm, Dm
minor 2ndGm2, Dm2
minor 6thBbm6, Gm6
minor 7thGm7
minor 9thGm9
minor added 11thDmadd11
minor added 9thGmadd9, Dmadd9
minor-major 7thBbmM7, DmM7
powerchordBb5, A5, G5, D5
suspended 2ndGsus2, Dsus2
suspended 4thAsus, Dsus

Related Items

Triads Chord Charts

Printable list of charts for all chords
of this type in this scale and tuning.

Extended Chords Chord Charts

Printable list of charts for all chords
of this type in this scale and tuning.