
"Am" - Find chords and guitar chord charts by name
"C E G" - Find all chords composed of certain notes
"Am C D" - Finds a selection of guitar chord charts for the given chord progression
"320001" - Find chords from chord-chart signature
"A Dorian" - Find scales by name

What's New

October 12th, 2024
  • Alternate tunings!

    For now we have a few well-known tunings supported, but we plan to add support for arbitrary tunings soon. Check the top-right of your screen to see what the tuning is currently set to, or to change the tuning. All searches and pages that care about tuning will automatically adjust to apply to the tuning you've selected.

September 30th, 2024
  • New look on the chord chart detail pages.

    We've made some changes to the styling and layout on a few pages, specifically on the guitar chord chart detail pages. These changes should make it easier to see what's important and find related resources.

September 6th, 2024
  • Added recommended fingering details to guitar chord charts.

    As long as we're able to find a fingering, we now show where to place each finger on chord charts. If we find more than one way to play a particular chord chart, we also list these other - usually more difficult - variations on the chart detail page.

August 30th, 2024
  • New difficulty metric for chord charts.

    This is based on the new algorithm described in the previous update, and is used in many places throught the site. The most noticable is in the ranking of chord charts - difficulty, along with number of strings played and position on the neck - are used used to select the first chart to show in search results.

    This update should make for a more well rounded selection sorting of results and produce less edge cases of hard-to-play charts showing high in the list.

August 23rd, 2024
  • Filtering of chord charts that are unplayable from search results.

    This is accomplished with a new algorithm we have to determine possible ways to play each chord chart (where to place each finger). Our first use of this algorithm is this filtering, but future uses of this will be to show alternatives of where fingers should be placed on the chord charts, as well as updating our chart difficulty metric to be more accurate.

July 9th, 2024
  • Reworked chord chart progression support. Search results now show chart diagrams (like the standard chart results), can be filtered to help you find exactly what you are looking for, and generate faster than before.
June 18th, 2024
  • Added support for "unknown chord" page (showing the member scales and similar chords for chord types that aren't in the database.)
June 7th, 2024
  • Added the separate 'What's New' page showing all changes.
June 5th, 2024
  • Added support for scale searches by list of notes.
June 4th, 2024
  • Added support for chord and chord-chart searches based on descriptive chord names such as 'A Minor 7th' and 'G dominant 9th'.
See all 22 changes